How does fashion influence the lives of students?

It is an era of fashion and fashion is very influential with our lives. In fact, this adds diversity to our lives by offering an aspect of enthusiasm to strive something new and different, otherwise it would be a monotonous life if we were supposed to dress in the same way.

Fashion is an expression of a distinctive style, especially in clothes, shoes, accessories or makeup. It belongs to the style of doing something, look different and facing others. It surrounds a wide range of categorization as behavior, speech, actions, ways and a way of life. There is a lot of intellectual discussions on fashion and clothing and their importance in today’s society. Fashion and clothing can be defined as many things that hold our society together. Fashion can be defined as a standard or style of dress, ways and socialization, while clothes are defined as clothes collectively. If fashion and clothes have been eliminated from our lives, there is no room for individuality and the world’s population would be the same. It would also be a loss of distinctions between the social classes, which was very defined in the 18th century, but is still present today. The eradication of fashion and clothing would also change the dynamics of the social world and social relations.

Mod, abbreviated form of “modern”, refers to a lifestyle of young people released from London during the 1960s and quickly expanded to other parts of the world. Being fashionable is not only desirable but also satisfactory. It is very common that young students are attracted by most fashion and begin to follow the trends instantly, so fashion strongly influences our youth. Fashion has continuously impacting society. This affects our points of view and our attitude towards social culture. We introduce new ways of way of life through fashion and create a consciousness in ourselves to restore a new target line. It is a leading social declaration for students to make an external appearance in their social circle. Malcolm Barnard says in his book of fashion as communication, “fashion and clothes have always been explained as forms of communication” (39). Students use fashion to exchange feelings and beliefs. They use fashion as a means of social contact with reference to monitoring all kinds of people. Fashion is a means of communication to transmit to the world what their personality really says.

The decade of 1920 is called the age of youth inflamed because of its wild expression and Jazzy. During this period, youth energy was released again and no style seemed too ridiculous to become a high fashion. Our world has globalized. Celebrities play a very important role in young people’s lives. Students are looking for their favorite icons to keep up to date. Looking at television or using the Internet, they can easily be attracted by a variety of fashion concepts. In addition, students idealize their favorite celebrities and always have the desire to look like them so that they do their best to imitate the appearance and way of life of their idols. They try to seize the whole existing fashion of their company to improve their personality. Whenever they socialize, they talk about new things that could be adapted. They use an unnatural way of expression, speech and mannerism in their routine life that is relatively artificial.

At my point of view, there are two categories, that is to say a positive and negative impact of fashion on students.

The fashion of our company has a lot of negative impact on students. They think only new fashion and it causes expenses of a large amount of money. Therefore, they are unable to become aware of the other important needs of life. He always distracted them with studies. Once a style or fashion in a trend, it is instantly pursued by the student community, whatever the fact that the problem leads. On the other hand, they are caught in the confusion of fashion because of the impact of society. To follow a certain mode, we must adopt actions and do so that some students go beyond their limits to attract their environment. Finally, they become hopeless instead of being ingenious and suffering from the depression to be fashionable. On the other hand, it is also thought that fashion expenditure could be spent for various other purposes such as charity and helping the poor.

Fashion creates an inaccessible standard for students. They all want to be attractive and glamorous like celebrities on television or in magazines, so they spend a lot of time and money to build a good impression on the people around them. However, they fail to make a statement most of the time that leads to low self-esteem. This also creates a shock of thoughts between them and their friends who can lead to a factor of jealousy and, therefore, spoil their relationship with friends. Students are starting to judge people through their appearance of perspective and those who can not spend a sufficient quantity on their outer look, end up becoming persecuted, which has decreased their level of confidence to a certain extent.

Students who give more fashion concentration are generally less aware of their studies. They think that by adopting certain trends in fashion, they will obtain some distinction among peers, therefore, they begin to give less importance to their academic careers.

There are also positives to be fashionable. For example, when teenagers feel good because of their appearance, it gives a keen sense of value and confidence in their personality. In addition, they feel more independent and acceptable in a social context. If the students follow a certain tendency, he facilitates them the recognition of their own personalities by meeting different people from society with the same interests and the same sense of style. The wearing of fashionable clothing shows the status of a person. People assume a more gradual person if it wears fashionable clothes. Malcolm Barnard says in his book of fashion as communication, “fashion and clothes have always been explained as forms of communication”

Students end up knowing that it’s not good for them to follow or imitate others all the time. Instead, they should learn to innovate and make their own sense of style. This helps them to be stronger, independent and imaginative. Fashion is the name of expressing themselves. This proves that people have the freedom to feel comfortable and that this translates into a more successful and more prosperous society.

Fashion is a form of art and because art is beneficial for society the same thing happens in fashion. Fashion is a big reason that companies can invest more in expanding clothes, trends and a better life. We can not disagree with the fact that fashion has an important place on the life of each student. Sometimes it can be the source of things that make life more enjoyable. On the other hand, it can be destructive for the lives of some people. It is best to keep you upgraded with fashion, but if it is detrimental to your academic performance by any means, you need to get away from that. In general, the mode can be fun, exciting and safe. Fashion is a method of money that can provide employment to thousands of people.

There should be stability in the life of students by continuing fashion. They should be aware that fashion in the limits is admirable, but when the limits are crossed, they have to deal with many problems. Their main responsibility is to fill with the assets of knowledge instead of running after the wild from the world of misleading fashion. There should be a good balance between being fashionable and get away from our roots. Students should know the fact that they have the maximum time to indulge in the world of sumptuousness after completing their studies. They should give their greatest devotion to education currently for time and tide are not waiting for any.

Being fashionable and fashionable is just our own wish, no one can force us to do it and it is our own decision than the quantity and type of mode that we prefer depending on the place and requirements. Although this period of the 21st century in Pakistan, most people are affected by the glamorous world and fashion style, but they still have not forgotten our traditions and culture that is the priority and symbol of our country .